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A logo for contour light therapy with a silhouette of a woman



From Prep to Perfection

Your guide to success with Contour Light

Pre-Session Info

Things To Know Before Booking A Light Therapy Session

Contour Light Therapy is not recommended to treat patients with the following conditions:

While the light emitted by the Contour Light Face mask is exceptionally safe, it is advised against prolonged direct eye exposure. It is mandatory to provide eye protection to the patient before placing the Face mask over their face.

  • Active Cancer; particularly skin cancer on the face, neck or décolleté
  • Pacemaker
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Claustrophobia
  • Contact wearer; (remove contacts prior to treatment session)
  • The following conditions are contraindications to Contour Light:
  • Pregnant woman or breastfeeding.
  • Fatty Liver Disease.
  • HIV / AIDs.
  • Hepatitis C/D

The Contour Light System is not intended for use in the diagnosis of a disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and is not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. This product is cosmetic in nature and does not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration

A woman wearing glasses and a red shirt is standing in front of a white wall.
A woman is drinking water from a glass.




Treatment Procedure | Before and After

For best results, please follow these recommendations before & after your Contour Light treatment.

1. Drink lots of water

A minimum of 64 ounces of water per day will help flush the fat from your system. Divide your body weight by 2 and this is the number of ounces you should be drinking. Stay hydrated before your treatment and after! The red and infrared light is attracted to well- hydrated cells.

2. Limit the meal before your treatment

Eat only a light meal (or nothing) 2 hours before your scheduled treatment and wait an additional 2 hours after your treatment to eat again.

3. Wear or bring comfortable clothing

Ideally a sports bra and sports shorts or a two-piece bathing suit. The Contour Light only works on areas where the skin is exposed.

4. Do cardio following treatment

Burn 350 calories following your treatment. We recommend walking, jogging, elliptical, etc. This will burn the fat exactly where you want to! Contour Light is the best personal trainer you’ll ever hire! We generally recommend that everyone makes use of our full-body vibration plate for at least 10 minutes followed by an energetic cardio workout. The average fat loss is between 40 and 60 Grams which translates into 300 to 500 calories that need to be worked off to maximize your results. The exercise does not have to follow immediately but could be done later the same day.

5. Watch what you eat

Follow a paleo or no grain diet and bump up the green veggies as much as possible to help support the liver.

6. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol turns into fat and will work against this treatment and will lessen your results. For best results refrain from alcohol the day before and the day of your treatment.

7. Decrease Caffeine

Caffeine will dehydrate you which will hinder your results. Only drink the caffeine you need in the morning to avoid the “caffeine headache.” Completely eliminate caffeine if possible.

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