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Welcome to Luminations Contour Light FAQ Center

Unveiling Clarity with Glowing Answers

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Contour Light is a 835nm Red Light Therapy that utilizes 4 large body pads, two pads for the upper arms, and a face mask.

The wavelength opens the fat cells allowing the fat to exit the cell.

  •  Liquifies the fat
  • Accelerates fat burning
  • Speeds up the metabolism 


Is Contour Light Therapy Safe? 

Treatments are 100% safe, there are no known side effects

How long is each session?

Approximately 45 minutes.
25 minutes on the Contour Light and 10 minutes on the Hypervibe.

How many sessions are required? 

Do expect to come to our office on average 2-3 times per week when in active treatment. To see the best results a client should plan 10-14 visits. 

Facial Rejuvenation Treatment - 16 Treatments

Are the results permanent?

Yes as long as there is no weight gain and a current healthy lifestyle is maintained.

How quickly will I see results?

Results can be seen immediately. Individuals have lost anywhere from 2 to 8 inches in one treatment.


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